Looking for A BUSINESS STARTUP photo package by a Hamilton photographer?

Business Startup Photography $1800

Do the work

Let’s get your business looking like you are ready to smash into the next level.

You are probably super busy building your business startup and short on time. Get me in for a day to generate the materials you need to show the world what you do and how you can help them.

What sort of things can I help with

What photography do business startups normally need?

These are the typical photos you need, so I have put this bundle together to keep costs down compared to paying separately.

1 Full shoot day

I come to your business for a full day and we get as much done as possible. The more organised you are, the more photos you will get! My hope is you won’t need me again for a year

Editing and revisions

I spend another few days editing the material. If it’s needed then you get one round of revisions for changes on any of the shots eg cropped differently.

The bottom line

What do you get?

One day for photography

Core website shots

Advertising shots

Social media shots

Based In Hamilton, Waikato
